From Average to Excellent: Leading a Transformation
In presenting recently to healthcare leaders and practitioners in Australia’s Healthcare Lean/Operational Excellence community of practice, I recalled with fondness the transformation of Rutland Regional Medical Center. I had the honor of leading this multi-year organizational transformation with CEO Tom Huebner and CNOs Dorie Ward and Carol Egan and with the support of staff, physicians, managers, and senior leaders across Rutland Regional.
While it feels like yesterday, the lessons learned are forever etched in the way I lead, guide, and support organizations seeking to transform – whether from average to excellent; from local to regional; or in other transforms they undertake to fulfill their mission and achieve their vision.
Here is a video excerpt for you:
One of my favorite quotes of all-time: “Excellence is never an accident; it is always the result of high intention, sincere effort, intelligent direction and skillful execution; it represents the wise choice among many alternatives.” – source unknown, often attributed to Aristotle
…Words to live by!

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Kathy Letendre, President and Founder of Letendre & Associates, advises organizations and leaders to create their excellence advantage.
Contact Kathy by phone or text at 802-779-4315 or via email.