Excellence Advantage Inspirations | Quarterly Summary (April – June 2022)

Kathy LetendreBlog, EAI Newsletter, Resources

Excellence Advantage Inspirations
Quarterly Summary

I provide these bi-weekly insights as inspiration for you, my clients and colleagues, as you seek to create your distinctive excellence advantage… for your organizations, for your programs, for your effectiveness as a leader.

I am hopeful that as you review the various articles that you find one or two insights or key questions that prompt a next action to improve a situation in front of you or on the horizon.

Here is a recap of the topics over the past quarter.

Also, if there are topics that you’d like me to cover in the next quarter, please send me a note or let me know when we are talking together over the next couple of weeks.

Why Develop an Improvement Capability?
What is your organization’s track record when it comes to improvement? How confident are you that your improvement efforts will move the dial on your key metrics?

Digital Transformation
Do you remember when we were required to do our banking at a bank during banker’s hours? No?! I hardly remember that either, as it seems so long ago and so arcane.

“What Got You Here, Won’t Get You There”
To be truly be more effective as a leader, one must seek to continuously improve and those changes must be noticeable to those around you. Stakeholder Centered Coaching® accomplishes both simultaneously.

Successful leaders recognize that “what got them here, won’t get them there.” (Marshall Goldsmith)

Facts vs. Feelings
Do you manage by opinion, by experience, or by facts?Management by Fact: understanding, with data, where you are, how things are progressing, and determining the most appropriate ways to intervene to improve performance.

“What Interests the Boss, Fascinates Me”
How do you convey your key priorities as a leader?

Succession Planning: What’s Your Role?
Organizations must be planning for the future, and part of that future includes the transition of key people within the organization. Succession is inevitable.