Measurement: A Strategic Advantage or Drag?

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Measurement: A Strategic Advantage or Drag?

Measurement done well can be an accelerator, a catalyst, a strategic differentiator.

Done poorly, measurement can be a resource drain, a distraction, an instigator of useless dialog at endless meetings.

Those of you that have known me over the decades know that I am a strategist, a change agent, an excellence evangelist. The through line: measurement (…done well, of course!).

I’ve been thinking a lot about strategic performance measurement lately.

I share here some highlights:

  • To manage is to measure and to measure is to manage.
  • Measurement and management without improvement is useless.
  • Goal setting is informed by measurement and analysis, coupled with astute judgement and intelligent risk taking.
  • Well-chosen measures help us see how well our strategies are working, and where to adjust, redirect, or even abandon them.
  • Clarity leads to better measurement.
  • Measures are the fuel for improvement and transformation.
  • Measurement accelerates strategy execution.
  • Measures can align, (or divide us if used against individuals).
  • Measures are the voice of the process; they signal to us how our processes are performing and what we can expect going forward.
  • Measurement done well can spark curiosity and learning, or if used ineffectively, can instill fear and misunderstanding.
  • The motherboard of organizational excellence is measurement and analysis.

As we pursue improvement, innovation, and transformation, may measurement be a tool you wield with ease, skill, and care.

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Kathy LetendrePresident and Founder of Letendre & Associates, advises organizations and leaders to create their excellence advantage.
Contact Kathy by phone or text at 802-779-4315 or via email.