Are you still using Pilots?

Kathy LetendreBlog, EAI Newsletter, Resources

Or have you already hired Proof-of-Concepts?

This article is provided by my close colleague and collaborator, Christian Milaster, as it is very pertinent to many of you and the work you do to ensure the success of new initiatives.

How Mature Are We?

Kathy LetendreBlog, EAI Newsletter, Resources

How mature are your organizational processes? Are you getting the results you want? And need? Do you know which processes are most impacting your results?

What Did You Find?

Kathy LetendreBlog, EAI Newsletter, Resources

Simple to understand, but more complex to fully embed across an organization. Immensely impactful once it becomes the “way we do everything!”

What if…?

Kathy LetendreBlog, EAI Newsletter, Resources

When many groups meet, they often resort to all-too-common, discussion-style team meeting. In my experience, there are much better methods, depending on the objectives you are seeking to achieve.