Perhaps there was an article that you set aside to read, and then it slipped by. No problem, here’s a brief synopsis of my articles from the last quarter so you can find the one you wanted to read, re-read, or take action on.
Where To Go From Here?
Situation: You are the leader of an organization. You’re a few years into your role. Yet, everywhere you look things are just average, or even below average. And you are a few years into it! What to do?
Strategy Execution!
Do you consistently deliver on your plans? Are you producing the improving results you need?
Your Story From a 360° Perspective
Beyond selecting a 360° tool, selection of a wide range of participants is essential. They give us perspectives to see our impact, habits, leadership approaches, and often highlight a range of areas for improvement
Identify your Focus Area
What are your top organizational priorities for the year? To be most successful in accomplishing these priorities, what aspects of your leadership could also use improvement or fine-tuning?
Excellence Advantage Inspirations | Quarterly Summary (Oct-Dec)
Perhaps there was an article that you set aside to read, and then it slipped by. No problem, here’s a recap from the last quarter so you can find the one you wanted to read, re-read, or take action on.
Here’s to creating your distinctive excellence advantage in 2023!
The Gift of Reflection
A collection of my all-time favorite quotes offered as gifts for you to unwrap when you are ready (one at a time or all at once). I hope you will find one that you cherish
What Is Your Goal?
As leaders and leadership teams we must seek to routinely re-evaluate and improve our effectiveness. What will you focus on improving this year to be more effective?