Do you remember when we were required to do our banking at a bank during banker’s hours? No?! I hardly remember that either, as it seems so long ago and so arcane.
Why Develop an Improvement Capability?
What is your organization’s track record when it comes to improvement?
Excellence Advantage Inspirations | Quarterly Summary (Jan – March 2022)
I created these bi-weekly articles for you, my clients and colleagues, to offer insights and inspirations as you seek to create your distinctive excellence advantage… for your organizations, for your departments/programs, for your effectiveness as a leader.
Coach K: The Definition of Excellence
The greatest gift a coach can give a player, a teacher can give a student, and a parent can give to their child is the opportunity to imagine great things.” ~ Coach K (source: Duke Magazine winter 2021)
From Average to Excellent: Leading a Transformation
Excellence is never an accident; it is always the result of high intention, sincere effort, intelligent direction and skillful execution; it represents the wise choice among many alternatives.” –source unknown. …Words to live by!
Leading Change…the Life of a Change Agent
Going from where the status quo was tolerated to where improvement was expected and then celebrated, and eventually to where excellence and momentous change is pervasive…These have been my greatest joys as a change agent.
In Pursuit of Excellence
What comes to mind for you when you think of organizational transformation?
Excellence Advantage Inspirations | Quarterly Summary 001
I created these bi-weekly articles for you, my clients and colleagues, to offer insights and inspirations as you seek to create your distinctive excellence advantage… for your organizations, for your departments/programs, for your effectiveness as a leader.
Communicating What Matters
Do your staff know where the organization is headed and feel a part of getting there?