Remarkably Focused

Kathy LetendreBlog, EAI Newsletter, Resources

When I have been on-site at clients recently, many people have taken notice of one of two tools that I use consistently. They are often intrigued after observing, and then casually ask: What is that?

Do You Have What It Takes?

Kathy LetendreBlog, EAI Newsletter, Resources

Over the past several years, Christian Milaster and I have been working with a number of community health centers who are looking out past the immediate horizon. They seek to be well-prepared for the future.

Are you still using Pilots?

Kathy LetendreBlog, EAI Newsletter, Resources

Or have you already hired Proof-of-Concepts?

This article is provided by my close colleague and collaborator, Christian Milaster, as it is very pertinent to many of you and the work you do to ensure the success of new initiatives.