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(Too) Close to Home
Recent circumstances have me reflecting… On life, On leadership, On mothering, On purpose. I share today on a more personal level as I feel there are important nuggets here for leaders of all sorts!!…
Kathy Letendre

Two Thinkers Who Will Expand How You See Strategy & Measurement
Over the years, I’ve had the pleasure of knowing and following the work of two exceptional thinkers: Stacey Barr and Andrew Hollo.…
Kathy Letendre

Measurement: A Strategic Advantage or Drag?
Measurement done well can be an accelerator, a catalyst, a strategic differentiator.…
Kathy Letendre

What About Coaching?
There are a variety of questions that often come up when an individual is considering executive coaching.…
Kathy Letendre

What Distinguishes High-Performing Organizations From the Rest?
Beyond visionary leadership and systems thinking, these organizations embrace a culture of organizational learning and innovation, while prioritizing value, results and community impact—key drivers of sustained excellence.…
Kathy Letendre

Excellence Advantage Inspirations | Quarterly Summary (October – December 2024)
Here’s a recap of the articles featured this quarter. Perhaps one that you had hoped to read and then it slipped by.…
Kathy Letendre

What Sets High-Performing Organizations Apart?
Not all organizations achieve excellence. While many aspire to excellence, only some reach the level where results are not just consistent but stellar and improving across all dimensions of performance — from quality and service to financial health and workforce.…
Kathy Letendre

Big Vision, Humble Leader
Some leaders stand out—not because they’re the most charismatic but because they combine two key traits: a bold vision for the future and a genuine humility in how they lead. These leaders inspire others, foster collaboration, and achieve exceptional outcomes without seeking the spotlight.…
Kathy Letendre

Lighting the PATH to Impact
My colleague Michael Gerharz PhD has written this article for us as I thought you all would find his insights and framework useful in your strategic work.…
Kathy Letendre

In these times…
These times remind me of the importance of staying grounded in the ABCs……
Kathy Letendre

I will equip my team with tools, resources, and inspiration to delight our customers.…
Kathy Letendre

Certain Uncertainty
Setting a strategic course is crucial for long-term success. This becomes trickier in a period of significant flux in your region or sector.…
Kathy Letendre

Excellence Advantage Inspirations | Quarterly Summary (July – September 2024)
Here’s a recap of the articles featured this quarter. Perhaps one that you had hoped to read and then it slipped by.…
Kathy Letendre

What’s Important Around Here?
Whether we intend it or not, our measures keeps broadcasting what is important around here. Measurement is a hard-wired communications system.…
Kathy Letendre

To Launch Is Not Enough
As a leader, one of your key responsibilities is to guide the selection and the launch of new initiatives — new services, new products, new locations, new technologies, new processes, etc.…
Kathy Letendre

Leaders in Change
As leaders, we are often at the forefront, guiding strategic change. Whether in the context of setting a new strategic direction, shepherding the execution of strategic priorities, or leading an organization-wide change initiative, senior leaders are change-makers.…
Kathy Letendre

What Do You Mean?
Quality. Access. Sustainability. Certain words need definition. Without it, they are quite meaningless. With greater clarity, we can create organizational focus, drive, and even results.…
Kathy Letendre

Customer-Focused Improvement
Organizational improvement initiatives are frequently focused on improving processes to better serve our customers.…
Kathy Letendre

Taking off Our Blinders
For leaders, removing the blinders helps us see around the corner and across the landscape, and brings into view things we otherwise would have been blind to.…
Kathy Letendre

Excellence Advantage Inspirations | Quarterly Summary (April – June 2024)
Here’s a recap of the articles featured this quarter. Perhaps one that you had hoped to read and then it slipped by.…
Kathy Letendre

Habits: Friend or Foe?
In the world of organizational leadership, the ability to develop and harness effective habits is invaluable.…
Kathy Letendre

The 5 Leader-Ships of Innovation Adoption
“The Future is already here; it is just not evenly distributed.” — William Gibson…
Kathy Letendre

Can Organizations Learn?
When we think of learning, we most often think of individuals. Individuals acquiring new knowledge, a new skill, gaining insights through an experience, and the like.…
Kathy Letendre

What Produces Your Results?
Processes produce results; and people work in processes. If we want improved results, we are best served to improve the processes producing the results.…
Kathy Letendre

Don’t Journey Without It
A Swiss Army Knife is regarded as a versatile, multi-functional, and useful tool. It is easy to carry. And you never know exactly when you’ll need any one of its many features.…
Kathy Letendre

What is your Quest?
I am excited to once again gain and share inspiration from the Quest for Excellence conference.…
Kathy Letendre

Excellence Advantage Inspirations | Quarterly Summary (January – March 2024)
A new year. And a quarterly recap of Excellence Advantage Inspirations. Over two years ago, I first began to write and share these inspirations. 55 editions later, I keep at it for the same reason: You!…
Kathy Letendre

Remarkably Focused
When I have been on-site at clients recently, many people have taken notice of one of two tools that I use consistently. They are often intrigued after observing, and then casually ask: What is that?…
Kathy Letendre

Do You Have What It Takes?
Over the past several years, Christian Milaster and I have been working with a number of community health centers who are looking out past the immediate horizon. They seek to be well-prepared for the future.…
Kathy Letendre

Not Everyone is Coachable. Are you?
Recently, two of my colleagues had a podcast conversation on the topic: Is Everyone Coachable? The short answer is No. The long answer is a bit more nuanced……
Kathy Letendre

Are you still using Pilots?
Or have you already hired Proof-of-Concepts? This article is provided by my close colleague and collaborator, Christian Milaster, as it is very pertinent to many of you and the work you do to ensure the success of new initiatives.…
Kathy Letendre

Making a Difference
In a prior edition, I highlighted an organization, a leader, and a region, who are individually and collectively, making a significant impact.…
Kathy Letendre

Making an Impact
An organization. A leader. A region. Each improving rapidly. Adapting, growing, embracing change. Leading the way.…
Kathy Letendre

Excellence Advantage Inspirations | Quarterly Summary (October – December 2023)
A new year. And a quarterly recap of Excellence Advantage Inspirations. Over two years ago, I first began to write and share these inspirations. 55 editions later, I keep at it for the same reason: You!…
Kathy Letendre

The Why Behind E.A.I
What does excellence mean to you and your organization? What is the advantage you create through pursuing excellence in earnest?…
Kathy Letendre

Measure = Manage
Measures are your hardwired communications system.…
Kathy Letendre

How Mature Are We?
How mature are your organizational processes? Are you getting the results you want? And need? Do you know which processes are most impacting your results?…
Kathy Letendre

How Do They Contribute?
Does your Board of Directors contribute to or detract from an environment of high performance?…
Kathy Letendre

What Did You Find?
Simple to understand, but more complex to fully embed across an organization. Immensely impactful once it becomes the “way we do everything!”…
Kathy Letendre

What if…?
When many groups meet, they often resort to all-too-common, discussion-style team meeting. In my experience, there are much better methods, depending on the objectives you are seeking to achieve.…
Kathy Letendre

Excellence Advantage Inspirations | Quarterly Summary (July – September 2023)
I share this recap of articles from the past few months. Perhaps there was a piece that you had hoped to read or re-read and then time slipped by. Is there a question that prompts your attention or spurs your next action?…
Kathy Letendre

“Trust but Verify”
“Trust but Verify”…
Kathy Letendre

Excellence: a Wise Choice
Are you striving for excellence? Do you have the necessary ingredients for success?…
Kathy Letendre

Building Your Mental Muscles as a Leader
By understanding your triggers and habitual reactions, you can learn to navigate high-intensity situations with greater composure and thoughtful response.…
Kathy Letendre

Why Measure Virtual Care Performance?
How do you monitor the performance of your newest programs, such as virtual care?…
Kathy Letendre

Virtual Care: From Strategy to Action to Results
Are you getting the results you want?…
Kathy Letendre

Do You Believe It?
We all have our well-established, mental mindsets. They run on auto-pilot in well-grooved paths. We have developed these auto-responses over years of experience. Are these reactions serving you well?…
Kathy Letendre

Excellence Advantage Inspirations | Quarterly Summary (April – June 2023)
I share this recap of articles from the past few months. Perhaps there was a piece that you had hoped to read or re-read and then time slipped by. Is there a question that prompts your attention or spurs your next action?…
Kathy Letendre

Planning Ahead
What are you planning for relative to next month, next year, the next decade?…
Kathy Letendre

Better than Feedback
Feedback vs. Feed-forward: Which will better achieve your intent?…
Kathy Letendre

What Did They Say?
As we think about speeches that have moved us…whether at a Commencement…from the TED stage or in a keynote…what we often recall is a single line that touched us deeply…
Kathy Letendre

Management: active or passive?
Is managing active or passive? How do you see it?…
Kathy Letendre

How Do You Spend Your Time?
I find that in high-performing organizations, senior leaders spend about one third of their time strategically. And another third on improvement work. How do you spend your time?…
Kathy Letendre

Your Compass
As leaders, one of our roles is to create clarity & alignment. Well-articulated mission, vision and values light the path and point the way…
Kathy Letendre

Excellence Advantage Inspirations | Quarterly Summary (Jan-March 2023)
Perhaps there was an article that you set aside to read, and then it slipped by. No problem, here’s a brief synopsis of my articles from the last quarter so you can find the one you wanted to read, re-read, or take action on. …
Kathy Letendre

Where To Go From Here?
Situation: You are the leader of an organization. You’re a few years into your role. Yet, everywhere you look things are just average, or even below average. And you are a few years into it! What to do?…
Kathy Letendre

Strategy Execution!
Do you consistently deliver on your plans? Are you producing the improving results you need?…
Kathy Letendre

Your Story From a 360° Perspective
Beyond selecting a 360° tool, selection of a wide range of participants is essential. They give us perspectives to see our impact, habits, leadership approaches, and often highlight a range of areas for improvement…
Kathy Letendre

Identify your Focus Area
What are your top organizational priorities for the year? To be most successful in accomplishing these priorities, what aspects of your leadership could also use improvement or fine-tuning?…
Kathy Letendre

Where Are Things Stuck?
Where are things stuck? What is causing the blockage?…
Kathy Letendre

What Is Your Story?
What is the story that you wish to tell? that you need to tell?…
Kathy Letendre

Excellence Advantage Inspirations | Quarterly Summary (Oct-Dec)
Perhaps there was an article that you set aside to read, and then it slipped by. No problem, here’s a recap from the last quarter so you can find the one you wanted to read, re-read, or take action on. Here’s to creating your distinctive excellence advantage in 2023!…
Kathy Letendre

The Gift of Reflection
A collection of my all-time favorite quotes offered as gifts for you to unwrap when you are ready (one at a time or all at once). I hope you will find one that you cherish…
Kathy Letendre

What Is Your Goal?
As leaders and leadership teams we must seek to routinely re-evaluate and improve our effectiveness. What will you focus on improving this year to be more effective?…
Kathy Letendre

With Gratitude
With gratitude for leaders guiding their organizations to be a better place. Great leaders are not satisfied with good enough…
Kathy Letendre

Virtual Care 2.0
As health and human service organizations embark on their Virtual Care 2.0 approach, I encourage leaders to consider these key ingredients for leading transformational change.…
Kathy Letendre

When Minutes Count
What is broken that needs fixing? Where is an overhaul necessary?…
Kathy Letendre

Excellence: A Distinctive Advantage
“What do you do?” If in the realm of work, I typically say that “I work with organizations striving to be excellent.” In one form or fashion I hear “But aren’t all organizations?” That is when the conversation gets interesting.…
Kathy Letendre

Excellence Advantage Inspirations | Quarterly Summary (July – September)
These bi-weekly insights are offered to you, my clients and colleagues, as you seek to create your distinctive excellence advantage… for your organization, for your program, for your effectiveness as a leader. …
Kathy Letendre

Am I Better Off?
Am I better off for having known {you}? How would your colleagues, your manager, your staff reply?…
Kathy Letendre

When Teams Work!
Lencioni’s model of teamwork has stood the test of time. It describes both the dysfunctions so commonly found on teams, as well as the five behaviors that create cohesion and effectiveness.…
Kathy Letendre

Are They Superhuman?
Primary care physicians are such a crucial part of patient care and the healthcare ecosystem. Yet, they are not superhuman! They cannot manifest 26.7 hours in a day.…
Kathy Letendre

Success: Help or Hindrance?
Some leaders are successful because of, and in spite of, these three beliefs. (Goldsmith, Wagner, Coffey 2021, The Coaches Play Book).…
Kathy Letendre

How Do You Conduct Planning?
What are the questions that you asked and answered in your most recent planning cycle?…
Kathy Letendre

Data-driven Improvement
Organizations pursuing excellence become experts in improvement.…
Kathy Letendre

Excellence Advantage Inspirations | Quarterly Summary (April – June 2022)
I provide these bi-weekly insights as inspiration for you, my clients and colleagues, as you seek to create your distinctive excellence advantage… for your organizations, for your programs, for your effectiveness as a leader.…
Kathy Letendre

What’s Your Role?
Change is inevitable, yet, we often put off the important work of succession planning for another day.…
Kathy Letendre

“What Interests the Boss, Fascinates Me”
How do you convey your key priorities as a leader?…
Kathy Letendre

Facts vs. Feelings
Management by Fact: understanding, with data, where you are, how things are progressing, and determining the most appropriate ways to intervene to improve performance.…
Kathy Letendre

What Got You Here, Won’t Get You There
Successful leaders recognize that “what got them here, won’t get them there.” (Marshall Goldsmith)…
Kathy Letendre

Digital Transformation
Do you remember when we were required to do our banking at a bank during banker’s hours? No?! I hardly remember that either, as it seems so long ago and so arcane.…
Kathy Letendre

Why Develop an Improvement Capability?
What is your organization’s track record when it comes to improvement?…
Kathy Letendre

Excellence Advantage Inspirations | Quarterly Summary (Jan – March 2022)
I created these bi-weekly articles for you, my clients and colleagues, to offer insights and inspirations as you seek to create your distinctive excellence advantage… for your organizations, for your departments/programs, for your effectiveness as a leader.…
Kathy Letendre

Coach K: The Definition of Excellence
The greatest gift a coach can give a player, a teacher can give a student, and a parent can give to their child is the opportunity to imagine great things.” ~ Coach K (source: Duke Magazine winter 2021)…
Kathy Letendre

From Average to Excellent: Leading a Transformation
Excellence is never an accident; it is always the result of high intention, sincere effort, intelligent direction and skillful execution; it represents the wise choice among many alternatives.” –source unknown. …Words to live by!…
Kathy Letendre

Leading Change…the Life of a Change Agent
Going from where the status quo was tolerated to where improvement was expected and then celebrated, and eventually to where excellence and momentous change is pervasive…These have been my greatest joys as a change agent.…
Kathy Letendre

In Pursuit of Excellence
What comes to mind for you when you think of organizational transformation?…
Kathy Letendre

Excellence Advantage Inspirations | Quarterly Summary 001
I created these bi-weekly articles for you, my clients and colleagues, to offer insights and inspirations as you seek to create your distinctive excellence advantage… for your organizations, for your departments/programs, for your effectiveness as a leader.…
Kathy Letendre

Communicating What Matters
Do your staff know where the organization is headed and feel a part of getting there?…
Kathy Letendre

Are We There Yet?
Do our leadership agendas ensure progress toward our defined strategic direction?…
Kathy Letendre

Manage = Measure
Your measurement system is your hardwired communications system.…
Kathy Letendre

Best Case, Worst Case…
For your next crisis, increase your organizational preparedness through scenario-based planning: Decrease your risks. Have a plan. In fact, have a Plan A, a Plan B, and a Plan C.…
Kathy Letendre

Make It Happen
With clarity on where you are headed, the key becomes delivery – consistently executing on plans to deliver continuously improving results that are of importance.…
Kathy Letendre

Where Are We Going?
As senior leaders, one of our most vital roles is setting the organizational direction. Our organizations are looking for clarity about where we are going.…
Kathy Letendre

Being an Exemplar
Organizations change because individuals change. Adept change agents help individuals move through the transitions.…
Kathy Letendre

Focus on Your Best
Focus on your best leaders. You will learn from them as much as they will learn from you.…
Kathy Letendre

Where to sprint during your journey to excellence.
Are you in pursuit of excellence for yourself, your team, your organization? For many, this is a journey. But there are places to sprint along the way. One of those places is in setting a clear and compelling direction. What does excellence mean for your organization? Your team? For your leadership approach? Where are you headed, and why does it matter to those you serve? How will you know if you are getting there, or whether you have taken a detour (or even a backslide)? Leaders in high-performing organizations set a distinctive and inspiring direction that leads the organization toward…
Kathy Letendre

Transformative Leaders -6
Transformed and Transformative Leader Fred Kniffin, CEO…

Transformative Leaders 5
Tom Dee, President & CEO SVHC…

Transformative Leaders – Video 4
Transformative Leaders: Dick Courcelle …

Transformative Leaders Breakfast March 2018
Highlights Leaders from around the region gathered for a conversation about leadership and creating excellence. We began with some highlights from Larry Jensen & Darren Childs regarding key elements contributing to excellence at Rutland Regional Medical Center (and other organizations they have been a part of). Larry spoke about the critical importance of creating alignment and engagement in an organization. A clear organizational direction helps to create alignment. Larry conveyed the importance of a planning process that is real; a planning cycle that: examines the environment and its shifts, sets a clear and compelling direction for the organization, and then…

Transformative Leaders – Video 3
Up next in our Transformative Leaders series is a conversation with Mike Solimano, President & General Manager of Killington/Pico Ski Resort. Our conversation covered a wide variety of topics including how Mike and his management team are reconnecting with guests, improving the guest experience, and making Killington/Pico a fun place to work. We also talked about how Mike’s leadership approach has changed since he came into his role as General Manager.…

Transformative Leaders – Video 2
We continue our Transformative Leaders Series, interviewing high-impact leaders from around the region. In this episode we hear from President & CEO of Rutland Regional Medical Center, Tom Huebner. Kathy and Tom talk about setting an ambitious organizational vision and working with determination to achieve it. Tom also shares insights about leading, even in saying goodbye. Tom will be retiring soon and we use this interview to talk about many of the tremendous accomplishments he has seen at Rutland Regional.…

Transformative Leaders – Video 1
We are doing a leadership series about Transformative Leaders where Kathy is having conversations with transformative, high impact leaders around the region. We will share each of the full interviews as a resource here on the site. The conversations are full of leadership insights from leaders who have been transformative in their organizations and region. Please enjoy our first video in the series!…

Do you manage by opinion, by experience, or by fact?
‘Management by Fact’ is one of the values exhibited in high-performing organizations. Management by Fact is a philosophy of management. It is about understanding, with data, where you are and determining the most appropriate way to intervene to improve performance. As leaders, we must learn how to “extract larger meaning from data and information to support evaluation, decision-making, improvement and innovation” (Baldrige Criteria for Performance Excellence). Becoming a fact-based manager is about understanding how to use data to manage. Understanding what data to collect, how to examine data, how to interpret data, and how to determine when to intervene (and…