(Too) Close to Home

Kathy LetendreBlog, EAI Newsletter, Resources

Recent circumstances have me reflecting…
On life, On leadership, On mothering, On purpose. I share today on a more personal level as I feel there are important nuggets here for leaders of all sorts!!

What Sets High-Performing Organizations Apart?

Kathy LetendreBlog, EAI Newsletter, Resources

Not all organizations achieve excellence. While many aspire to excellence, only some reach the level where results are not just consistent but stellar and improving across all dimensions of performance — from quality and service to financial health and workforce.

Big Vision, Humble Leader

Kathy LetendreBlog, EAI Newsletter, Resources

Some leaders stand out—not because they’re the most charismatic but because they combine two key traits: a bold vision for the future and a genuine humility in how they lead. These leaders inspire others, foster collaboration, and achieve exceptional outcomes without seeking the spotlight.